Billionarian Cult

I’m not much of a media critic, but I think we all know that Showtime’s Waco is probably more important than Yellowstone, Yellowjackets, or Succession.

There is a reason for that, and you smarties know it.

That’s right. Same place, on the anniversary of the Davidian disaster. Will Trump’s fans commit suicide? That would be great. But I worry they are going to take a few of us with them. In fact, that seems like the likely scenario, given the obvious trends in gun violence. I swear, I’m gonna get me a rifle for personal defense.

Or street warfare.

One of the perks of being a rifle owner is because you can scare anyone by putting a round it the chamber even if the safety is off or there are blanks in it. I’ll stockpile some NATO ammo, but that shit will be locked up as will the rifle.

Anyway, Kos diarist novapsyche has a few thoughts about that, considering his announcement he is going to run at the last site of a federal disaster.

According to Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show, a new book by Jonathan Karl, Donald Trump referenced January 6 in a way that, to some, sounded like bragging.  Specifically, he bragged about the size of the crowd.

When I saw a partial clip of his rally from last weekend, observing his tone and rhetoric, I was struck by what seemed a lightning-bolt realization.

He’s running on the insurrection.

Not only is he running on it, from his word choices and with his obvious tone and facial expression of glee, he arranged the insurrection for just that.  He staged January 6.

Trump himself, at his weekend rally in Waco, proved me right, as right as can ever be found in this instance. How so? Because he was the one who chose to feature footage from the insurrection during his kickoff rally for his 2024 campaign. And he did it after a bullhorn announcement telling the crowd to place their hands over their hearts (a gesture reserved for the national anthem and Pledge of Allegiance) while they listened to a musical selection by the Jan 6 “choir.”

What are we looking at? Well, let’s see if we can dig up a clip of Trump’s speech:

I’m without sound for my computer for the next few hours, but I wouldn’t subject myself to that shit anyway. But as always, I am doing a public service.

All I can say is Willis or Garland should take him down. But there’s a reason why that might not happen just yet. We shall see, though, because Trump’s hat is in the ring-and tens of millions of us are waiting for him to trade the stupid trucker hat for cuffs and manacles.

He can run from prison, though and win. Can The White House be run from a cell? Can he get a pardon from the warden when he wins?

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